Posted: July 24th, 2010 | Author: khosrow | Tags: airlines, Life, travel | No Comments »
Last week, I travelled from one side of the continent to the opposite side of it. By all accounts this should be an easy thing. People are travelling this route and longer distances everyday. But a small delay (30 minutes) in the first flight, completely disrupted the plans. What was supposed to be a 10 hour trip, took over 24 hours, and involved a very creative path. What is not obvious in my description is that other delays should be added to the 30 minute delay: waiting to pick up luggage, going through US customs, going through security, etc.
In an age when I can order something online and have it shipped to me from across the world in a couple of days, why can’t I travel with that same efficiency?
Posted: April 27th, 2008 | Author: khosrow | Tags: Life, travel | 2 Comments »

Once again I’m at an airport. Going home, or coming from home, or something in between. After 4 years in the real world I don’t feel stable yet. Should I be content? Or is it ok that I’m constantly looking for something exciting? A friend of mine says its normal for new graduates to change jobs 2 or 3 times within the first five years of entering the job market. Well, I’ve made that change once and then I came back to it! Who knows maybe risk taking (and not loyalty) is rewarded these days.
It also occurs to me that most of my posts here have been made when I was unhappy about something. Looks like this place is mostly for me to vent, but if that’s the case why don’t I just go buy a notebook and do my “Dear diary” entries in there like everyone else?!
Posted: February 15th, 2007 | Author: khosrow | Tags: Life, travel | No Comments »
Sitting here at the Minnesota airport, I’ve heard so many people talking “management”. Looks like everyone is a tech manager….
Oops, they’ve just called our plane for boarding I’ll finish the thought tonight (probably).